b'Consistently ExcellentMaryJo McCloskey built the womens golf program at George Fox University from the ground up, turning it into a national dynasty with a simple philosophyby Josh Gaunt program based on developing a team philosophy, McCloskey explained. I was part-time at George Fox for a F or MaryJo McCloskey, coaching college golf was not in herwhile as well, but as our team kept improving, I went full career plans, but when the opportunity came knocking itspeed ahead into coaching.led to something great.In 2023, that culture and philosophy bore fruit as the After growing up playing with her father who was aGeorge Fox womens golf team went on to win the NCAA D-III passionate golfer, MaryJo played golf all four years St. MarysWomens National Championship. Academy in Portland. She then went on to play for theSometimes its hard to believe really, but it was always University of Oregon.the goal to build a championship program from the very My interest in college though was primarily withbeginning, McCloskey said. I always felt confident that our academics as I knew I wanted to go on and get my mastershard work, commitment and determination would pay off. degree, which I did at the University of Portland, McCloskeyI believe it was the continual drive for excellence each year said. I had an opportunity to help out at Lewis & Clarkby our student athletes and the belief that we could get it College as a volunteer coach when they started up theirdone which eventually led to us bringing home the National new womens golf program in the late 90s. I fell in loveChampionship in 2023.with coaching, but at the same time I was still working as aThree players on the 2023 were All-Americans including marketing consultant. Coaching was just a part-time job. Alison Takamiya (First Team), Makensie Toole (First Team), McCloskey would become the head coach at Lewisand Liana Brown (honorable mention). & Clark the next year, spending eight seasons with theThe George Fox womens golf program has brought home program. In 2002, the Lewis & Clark womens golf team waseight NCAA trophies in the last 11 seasons. In 2021, Makensie the first golf team in the Northwest Conference to receive aToole won the Individual National Championship (winning national award when one of the players received the WGCAby 14 strokes) and was named the WGCA National Freshman National Freshman Player of the Year recognition. Player of the Year. In 2006, McCloskey got another opportunity, this oneIn 2024, the program earned its 14th consecutive trip to start a womens golf program at nearby George Foxto the NCAA D-III National Championship, where they took University, where she was named their first womens headfourth after a major comeback on the final day. The team golf coach. In 2013, Coach MJ was promoted to Director ofshot a 1-under-par 287, which set a new NCAA D-III Womens Golf at George Fox, becoming one of the first women to beNational Championship one-day scoring record. named to that role at an NCAA Division III school.Alison Takamiya came from behind and won the We started off with a great culture from the veryindividual title as National Champion and was named the beginning with our goal to build a championship golfWGCA Player of the Year. Toole was once again a First Team 22 PACIFIC NORTHWEST GOLFER| SEPT 2024'