b'The Shortys StoryBandon Dunes adds another par-3 courseby Steve MimsFor us, it was collaborative, we spent a lot of time out there walking around and finding the best way to traverse W hen Bandon Dunes Golf Resort celebrated its 25ththe site, said Cutten. We tried to find the best spots for Anniversary in May, it also unveiled a new course.natural greens. I still remember the first time we toured the Shortys is a par-3 course, 19 short holes located justarea with Mr. Keiser, he joked that we should be paying him west of the resorts Bandon Trails course and south ofbecause everything is done, its right here. Bandon Preserve, the resorts other par-3 layout. It becameBefore the designers got to work, Bandon Dunes owner the seventh course at the resort and joined the Preserve asMike Keiser commented, Words dont really do the site a short course to go along with five championship layouts.justice. It has so much potential. Shortys was designed by Rod Whitman, Dave Axland,Whitman, Axland & Cutten turned that description and Keith Cutten of Whitman, Axland & Cutten, aninto reality. international golf design firm.I think it has the best dunes land on the property, This was a great opportunity presented to us, saidCutten said. The wind is blowing sand all the time and it Whitman, who has designed courses in Canada, Europe andhas the biggest, gnarliest dunes. It was tailor made for a Asia. To be able to put our stamp on Bandon Dunes, maybeshort course. the best golf resort in the world.Like Bandon Preserve, green fees at Shortys go toward Shortys features a unique routing through naturalfunding the Bandon Dunes Charitable Foundations grant-dunes and shore pines.making efforts along the South Oregon Coast. We were given all the tools we could ever want, saidVisitors to Bandon Dunes will recall Shortys as the name Axland. We had great people to work with, and windof the short practice course just south of the practice center, and sand; youve got everything. The opportunity to workbut that name was transferred to the newest layout. with this type of property and have these tools and greatOur seventh course is named Shortys in honor of the leadership, that is what you are looking for and all you canoriginal caretaker of the Bandon Dunes property, Shorty ask for.Dow, said Don Crowe, who served as general manager of There is no need to bring the entire golf bag to Shortysthe resort for seven years before recently leaving to work at as each hole features a front, middle, and back tee with No.Dream Golf, which runs the collection of eight Keiser courses. 14 stretching the longest distance at 161 yards. The shortestDow and his wife, Charlotte, are legendary figures at back tee is at the final hole at 57 yards, while seven othersBandon after he served for more than 50 years as caretaker come in just under 100 yards.of the property that is now home to the resort. The practice The course plays 1,997 yards from the back tees tocourse formerly known as Shortys is now called Charlottes.1,309 from the front. For those who only want to bringIt was Dow, the self-described governor, mayor, and one club with them, each hole also features asheriff of Bandon Dunes, who gave Keiser his first putting tee. However, the distance doesnttour of the undeveloped property in 1991. tell the story as bunkers, narrow greensWhen David McLay Kidd was designing and tough pin placements makethe original Bandon Dunes course, Dow Shortys a challenge for golfers ofoften joked that he needed to hurry up every level.so that Shorty could play it before he Shortys features a small prodied. That course opened in 1999, and shop and clubhouse with food andDow also saw Pacific Dunes, Bandon drink just above the opening hole,Trails, Old Macdonald and Bandon which runs 119 yards headingPreserve open before he died at age southwest. The course turns north91 in 2015. and west before heading southNine years later, the latest course at again for the final few holes.Bandon Dunes carries his name. SEPT 2024|PACIFIC NORTHWEST GOLFER29'