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First Green
First Green Newsletter

Happy New Year!
We wish you a Happy New Year, and thank you for your interest in and support of First Green. 2014 was a wonderful year of reaching more students, teachers and parents in more locations with interactive, hands-on science on the golf course. Teachers, thank you for looking for enriching activities for your students! Superintendents, thanks for sharing your golf courses and experience with your neighbors.

First Green Receives $112,250 Grant from USGA
First Green has been awarded a $112,250 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) grant by the United States Golf Association (USGA) for 2015. The grant is funded by the USGA’s partnership with Chevron and designed to encourage students in science, technology, engineering and math disciplines through the world of golf. For more information on the grant, see the First Green Website.

Golf Industry Show Offers First Green Workshop
Each year, golf course superintendents attend a national professional development conference called the Golf Industry Show (GIS). This February, the conference is being held in San Antonio, Texas, and First Green is providing an interactive training session that includes a golf course visit to see a First Green field trip in action. This is a great opportunity to get the information needed to host a First Green field trip. For more information, visit the GSCAA Website.

2015 is International Year of Soils
The Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) is coordinating with the Global Soil Partnership and other organizations around the world to celebrate the 2015 International Year of Soils and raise awareness and promote the sustainability of our limited soil resources. SSSA developed 12 monthly themes that reflect the diverse value of soils to our natural environment and society. In June, the theme is Soils Support Recreation, and First Green’s lesson plans on soils are going to be featured on the SSSA Website.

Congratulations to Gary Ingram & Thanks to CourseCo
First Green would like to congratulate Gary Ingram (pictured at right), Director of Agronomy at Metropolitan Golf Links in Oakland, Calif. He is the overall winner of the 2014 GCSAA/Golf Digest Environmental Leaders in Golf Award. Ingram is one of 16 superintendents, including Thomas Doyle, from Callippe Preserve Golf Course (another CourseCo facility), who will be recognized at the national and regional levels for a proven commitment to environmental stewardship. Gary hosted First Green’s demonstration workshop at Metropolitan in May of 2013, and has been a First Green supporter since 2009.
Thanks to Tom Isaak, President/CEO of CourseCo, for engaging the company’s golf course superintendents in First Green local programs. With Tom’s support, and in addition to the Oakland field trip, First Green has conducted two CourseCo workshops. The first was at Crystal Springs in Burlingame, Calif., where superintendents were introduced to the lesson plans on the First Green website. The second was at CourseCo’s management retreat where managers and superintendents experienced the learning labs. CourseCo superintendents led the three learning labs for their peers. The superintendents will assist colleagues with hosting field trips at their own courses. This level of support is an excellent example of how a golf course management company can promote environmental leadership and community outreach and education at their affiliated facilities.

Schedule Field Trips for the Spring
As word about First Green spreads, we are finding that some golf courses have more demand for field trips than they can satisfy. Golf course superintendents will need to work with teachers on a first-come, first-served basis. So, teachers, it’s not too late to reach out to your local golf course superintendent to schedule your spring field trips. Teachers and golf course superintendents – please let us know when you’ve scheduled your field trips so we can add them to our calendar.
Contact us with your field trip date(s)at [email protected]. Find a local golf course and sign up for a field trip.

First Green Foundation
12440 Main Street
Bellevue, WA 98005
Phone: (425) 444-2618
