Championship Policies
For any clarification on the PNGA Championship Policies below, please contact the Championship Department at (206) 526-8605 ext. 3 or email [email protected].
Code of Conduct
The PNGA expects all contestants, caddies, gallery, and guests to exhibit proper conduct and behavior on the golf course and anywhere on club property during a PNGA championship. Unbecoming conduct or behavior may be grounds for immediate disqualification, at any time, from any PNGA event. The following are some examples of unbecoming conduct or behavior:
- Repeated use of loud, abusive, and/or profane language
- Throwing and/or breaking equipment (club, ball, etc.) in anger or frustration
- Damaging host club, PNGA, and/or fellow contestant property
- Public criticism or verbal abuse of host club, officials, volunteers or staff, and/or PNGA volunteers, staff or fellow contestants
- Potential endangerment of others
- Intentionally violating stated club policy
- Violation of PNGA Dress Code and/or Footwear Policy
- Other conduct deemed unbecoming
The Committee in charge of the competition shall be the sole judge of determining Conduct Code violations.
Dress Code
The PNGA expects all contestants, caddies and spectators to wear suitable golf attire on host club property at all times, including practice rounds. Suitable attire does not include cutoffs, tank tops, tee shirts, sweatpants, spandex, jeans or denim of any kind or color or unkempt clothing of any kind. Shoes must be worn at all times. Additionally, Sandals of any kind are not allowed on the golf course at any time (including practice areas), even sandals with soft spikes. Failure to adhere to the dress code may result in disqualification and removal from the course.
Infractions of the dress code will be dealt with by the PNGA Staff. If not immediately corrected, such infractions may result in disqualification. The dress code for each championship is listed on the website, entry form, player confirmation, and the championship program players receive at registration.
Please direct any questions regarding the dress code to [email protected].
Local Rules and Terms of the Competition
Local Rules and Terms of the Competition For 2024 PNGA Championships
The Rules of Golf as approved by the United States Golf Association and The R&A Rules Limited govern play. These Local Rules and Terms of the Competition are in effect at all PNGA Championships and qualifying rounds. See applicable championship or qualifying round Notice to Players and Entry Application for modifications or additions to these Local Rules and Terms of the Competition. Complete text of the Rules and Local Rules may be found in the Official Guide to the Rules of Golf, effective January 2023.
Unless otherwise noted, the penalty for breach of a Local Rule is the general penalty.
Local Rules
Out of Bounds — Defined by the line between the course-side points, at ground level, of white stakes and fence posts.
When a paved road or curb defines out of bounds, a ball that is on or beyond the road or curb is out of bounds even though it may lie on another part of the golf course.
Penalty Areas — When a penalty area is defined on only one side, it extends to infinity. When a penalty area is connected to the out-of-bounds edge, the penalty area extends to and coincides with out of bounds.
Ground Under Repair — Defined by white lines. French drains are ground under repair.
Ground under repair may include areas of unusual damage, but only when so declared by an authorized member of the Committee. When immediately adjacent to an immovable obstruction, such an area is part of that obstruction.
Animal Near Ball — Model Local Rule E-13 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.
Relief from Seams of Cut Turf — Model Local Rule F-7 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.
White-Lined Areas Tying into Artificially-Surfaced Roads and Paths — White-lined areas of ground under repair and the artificially surfaced roads, paths or other identified obstructions that they are connected to are a single abnormal course condition when taking relief under Rule 16.1.
Integral Objects — Include objects when closely attached to tree and boundary objects, and artificial walls and pilings when located in penalty areas or in or adjacent to bunkers, and bunker liners.
An exposed bunker liner may be treated as ground under repair but interference does not exist if the liner interferes only with the player’s stance.
Wood Chips and Mulch — Are loose impediments.
Temporary Immovable Obstructions — Model Local Rule F-23 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.
List of Conforming Driver Heads — Model Local Rule G-1 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.
List of Conforming Golf Balls — Model Local Rules G-3 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.
Missing Player or Marker Certification — Model Local Rule L-1 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.
Prohibited use of Audio Equipment — Rule 4.3 is modified in this way: During a round, a player is not allowed to use an electronic device to listen to music or other audio (such as podcasts or the like), including by using headphones or earbuds. Penalty for breach of Local Rule – see Rule 4.3.
Stopping and Resuming Play — Model Local Rule J-1 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.
All practice areas are closed during an immediate suspension for a dangerous situation until the Committee has declared them open. Players who practice on closed practice areas will be asked to stop practicing; failure to stop practicing might result in disqualification.
An immediate suspension will be signaled by one prolonged airhorn note. All other types of suspension will be signaled by three consecutive airhorn notes. Resumption of play will be signaled by two short airhorn notes.
Practice — Prior to and after a round in stroke play, a player may practice on the designated practice areas. Rule 5.2b covering practice in stroke play is modified in this way: A player may not practice on the competition course before or between rounds. Penalty for breach of Local Rule, see Rule 5.2.
Pace of Play — See separate memorandum to players for pace of play policy, when applicable.
Motorized Transportation — Unless prohibited on the entry application, players are permitted to use motorized transportation for all championships. In cases where motorized transportation is prohibited, Model Local Rule G-6 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.
Terms of the Competition
Time of Starting and Official Time — A player is at his/her starting area when he/she is within the chained area of the starting tee. If a chained area is not present, the starting area will be defined in the Notice to Players. If a player has previously checked in with the starter, he/she is still required to be at the starting area at his/her designated starting time scheduled by the Committee. The Official Time is defined by the clock located at the tee where a player is scheduled to begin the round.
Scoring Area — A player has officially returned his/her scorecard when he/she leaves the scoring area. The scoring area is defined is defined by chains and stanchions, or in their absence, the outside edge of the scoring tent. If a site requires different conditions, the scoring area will be defined in the Notice to Players.
Code of Conduct — See separate Code of Conduct policy which specifies standards of conduct and resulting penalties, including disqualification for serious misconduct violations.
Dress Code — See separate Dress Code Policy. All players and caddies must adhere to the PNGA and Host Club Dress Code Policy through the close of the competition. Any player or their caddie in violation of the Dress Code Policy will not be permitted to start the competition. Violation of the Dress Code Policy during the competition may result in immediate removal if not corrected.
Prohibition on Certain Types of Shoes — Model Local Rule G-7 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect at all Championship sites.
No Show — A player failing to appear for a PNGA Championship without prior notification to WA Golf staff will be suspended from all future PNGA Championships for a minimum of two years.
Unofficial Withdrawal — During play of a PNGA Championship, a player needing to withdraw must notify PNGA staff and complete a withdraw form. Players who unofficially withdraw or do so without sufficient reason, will be suspended from all future PNGA Chamionships for a minimum of two years.
Ties — In gross stroke play events, in the event of a tie for champion, a hole-by-hole playoff is used to determine the champion immediately following play.
When Competition is Final — The competition is final when the trophy has been presented to the winner or, in the absence of a prize ceremony, when all scores have been approved by the Committee.
Please direct all questions to [email protected] or (206) 526-1238 ext. 3
Pace of Play Policy
Pace of Play Policy – Stroke Play
Pace of Play Policy – Match Play
Rule 5.6a. Unreasonable Delay of Play states: “A player must not unreasonably delay play, either when playing a hole or between two holes.”
Rule 5.6b. Prompt Pace of Play states: “A round of golf is meant to be played at a prompt pace. Each players should recognize that his or her pace of play is likely to affect how long it will take other players to play their rounds, including both those in the player’s own group and those in following groups.”
Rule 5.6b(I). Pace of Play Recommendations states: “The player should play at a prompt pace throughout the round, including the time taken to:
- Prepare for and make each stroke,
- Move from one place to another between strokes, and
- Move to the next teeing area after completing a hole.
A player should prepare in advance for the next stroke and be ready to play when it is his or her turn. When it is the player’s turn to play:
- It is recommended that the player make the stroke in no more than 40 seconds after he or she is (or should be) able to play without interference or distractions, and
- The player should usually be able to play more quickly than that and is encouraged to do so.”
Players are expected to adhere to the pace of play recommendations outlined in Rule 5.6b(I) as well as complete play of each check-point hole in the time determined by the on-site Championship Committee. When a group is out of position at any check-point, the players in the group are subject to penalty under these guidelines.
Allotted Time: Flagstick in the Hole
Maximum times to play will be determined for each day of the championship by the on-site Championship Committee. Maximum times to complete each hole will be printed on each competitor’s scorecard. Competitors will be advised, prior to starting, of that day’s maximum time to complete the round. It is the group’s responsibility to finish each check-point within the times outlined on the scorecard or within position of the group directly in front of them. When a group falls behind – regardless of the reason – it must regain its position. Time for ball searches, rulings, and walking time between holes is included in the allotted time.
Definition “Out of Position” – Stroke Play
First Group Only: The first group is out of position if it takes more than the allotted time to complete a check-point hole (see check-point time on scorecard).
All Following Groups: A following group is out of position if it:
(a) Takes more than the allotted time to complete a check-point hole and
(b) Completes play of a check-point hole more than 14 minutes after the preceding group completed play of that hole.
Group Out of Position
The first time a group is out of position at a check-point hole they will be issued a warning. When a group has been notified of its first breach, that group is expected to regain its position before reaching the next check-point. If that group is out of position at the next or any subsequent check-point, the group may incur the following penalties:
- 1st breach* – warning
- 2nd breach – one stroke penalty
- 3rd breach – two stroke penalty
- 4th breach – disqualification
* If a group clears the 3rd check-point without any breaches, but is out of position at the 4th check-point, the potential penalty for each player in the group is one stroke.
Any group that is out of position is subject to being monitored by a Rules Rover.
Player’s Rights
Any player may appeal the penalty at scoring.
A player concerned about a non-responsive fellow-competitor in his/her group should request a Rules Rover to monitor the group in case the group is/or becomes subject to penalty under these guidelines.
Final Determination Regarding Breach / Review Process
All breaches will be reviewed at scoring by the Pace of Play Committee. If the player/group appeals the penalty, the Pace of Play Committee will consider only the following in an appeal:
(a) The player was delayed by the Committee; or
(b) The player was delayed by a circumstance beyond the control of the player or the group; or
(c) The player was delayed by another player in the group.
A player who was out of position during his/her round and who elects not to consult with the Pace of Play Committee to determine whether he/she was in breach of these guidelines is considered to have been in breach of these guidelines and to have incurred a penalty or penalties according to the above schedule of penalties. If a group is subject to penalty, all penalties will be applied to the check-point hole where the breach occurred.
MATCH PLAY POLICY – Revised 2019
Rule 5.6a. Unreasonable Delay of Play states: “A player must not unreasonably delay play, either when playing a hole or between two holes.”
Rule 5.6a. Unreasonable Delay of Play states: “A player must not unreasonably delay play, either when playing a hole or between two holes.”
Rule 5.6b(I). Pace of Play Recommendations states: “The player should play at a prompt pace throughout the round, including the time taken to:
- Prepare for and make each stroke,
- Move from one place to another between strokes, and
- Move from one place to another between strokes, and
A player should prepare in advance for the next stroke and be ready to play when it is his or her turn. When it is the player’s turn to play:
- It is recommended that the player make the stroke in no more than 40 seconds after he orshe is (or should be) able to play without interference or distractions, and
- The player should usually be able to play more quickly than that and is encouraged to do so.”
Players are expected to adhere to the pace of play recommendations outlined in Rule 5.6b(I) as well as complete play of each hole in the time determined by the on-site Championship Committee. When a group is out of position at any point during the match, the players in the group are subject to penalty under these guidelines.
Allotted Time: Flagstick in the Hole
Maximum times to play will be determined for each day of the championship by the on-site Championship Committee. Maximum times to complete each hole will be printed on the official match play scorecard. Competitors will be advised, prior to starting, of that day’s maximum time to complete the round. It is the group’s responsibility to finish each hole within the times outlined on the scorecard or within position of the group directly in front of them. When a group falls behind – regardless of the reason – it must regain its position. Time for ball searches, rulings, and walking time between holes is included in the allotted time.
Definition “Out of Position” – Match Play
First Match Only: The first match is out of position if it takes more than the allotted time to complete a hole (see times on scorecard).
All Following Matches:
A following match is out of position if it:
(a) Takes more than the allotted time to complete a hole and
(b) Reaches the tee of a par-3 hole and the preceding group has cleared the next tee; reaches the tee of a par-4 hole and the putting green is clear; or reaches the tee of a par-5 hole when the preceding group is on the putting green.
Group Out of Position
An out of position match may be monitored and timed. Anytime a match is being monitored and timed they will be notified of such timing by a Rules Rover.
The following are the penalties, in sequence, for any player in a match being timed who takes more than the allotted time (see below) to play a stroke after timing of the player’s stroke begins:
- 1st breach – warning
- 2nd breach – loss of hole
- 3rd breach – 2nd warning
- 4th breach – disqualification
When a match is being monitored and timed each player is expected to play any stroke within 40 seconds after timing of the player’s stroke begins.
Other than on the putting green, the timing of a player’s stroke will begin when he/she has had a reasonable opportunity to reach his/her ball, it is his/her turn to play and he/she can play without interference or distraction. Time spent determining yardage will count as part of the time taken for the next stroke.
On the putting green, timing will begin after a player has been allowed a reasonable amount of time to lift, clean and replace his/her ball, repair his/her ball mark and other ball marks on his/her line of putt, and remove loose impediments from his/her line of putt. Time spent looking at the line from beyond the hole and/or behind the ball will count as part of the time taken for the next stroke.
NOTE 1: The Committee reserves the right, at any time, to monitor or time a group/match when the Committee deems it necessary. Players should also be aware that the Committee may assess a “bad time” to a player in a match that is out of position if the player makes no effort to help his match get back in position. An example of this would be a player who delays play between shots.
NOTE 2: If the match in question regains its proper position, any previous breach of these guidelines will be carried over for the remainder of that stipulated round in the event that the match requires additional monitoring.
Photo/Video Release
Photographs and/or video will be taken at all Association championships and events.
By your participation, you grant the Association full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video, and any reproductions or adaptations. This might include (but is not limited to) the right to use them in printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and future promotion.
Spectator Cart Policy
To provide an equal championship platform for all competitors, the use of carts by spectators is not permitted by the Pacific Northwest Golf Association (PNGA).
Championship Accommodations for Disabled Spectators
The PNGA is committed to providing an enjoyable spectator experience for people with disabilities at PNGA championships. Requests from spectators seeking transportation onto the golf course due to a permanent disability, as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), should be submitted one week in advance to the PNGA Championship Department. While spectator carts may not always be available at each site, the PNGA will make every effort to accommodate these requests when available.
Generally, an ADA covered disability is defined as a “physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of the individual”. See, 42 USCA §12102. Spectators with a “temporary” injury or impairment that is not an ADA disability will not be allowed use of a golf cart under this Policy.
Spectators with transportation needs must contact the PNGA Championship Department prior to the championship.
Cart Instructions
Golf carts will be available for those spectators with documented disabilities who have applied and been approved for a cart in advance of the championship.
Only the person given the cart privilege is allowed in the golf cart, without exception. Cart passes will be distributed onsite by PNGA staff. Cart fees must be paid to the golf shop after a pass has been given.
In order to maintain the championship atmosphere of the event, there are certain guidelines by which those individuals with spectator carts must abide.
All spectators with carts MUST:
- Keep carts out of areas of long native grasses.
- Keep carts on the path at all times. If cart paths are not available, carts must be kept out of play near the perimeter of the hole.
- Stay with the cart at all times.
- Be courteous to all other groups on the golf course
- Be at least 16 years of age and have a valid driver’s license
- Follow any and all of the Local Cart Rules published by the host facility
All Spectators with carts MUST NOT:
- Allow any players or caddies sit or ride in the cart for any reason
- Allow any other person to sit or ride in the cart for any reason
- Drive the cart while looking for golf balls
Violation of any of the above: First offense – warning; Second offense – removal of the spectator cart from the golf course.
Questions concerning this Policy should be directed to the PNGA, Attn. Nate Schroeder, Director of Rules and Competition, via email at [email protected] or by phone at (253) 214-2924.
Withdrawal and Refund Policy
Refunds due to cancellation before the close of entry are subject to a $10 service charge. After the close of entry and up until round one pairings are released, players who withdraw for any reason will be refunded 50% of the entry fee. No refund for any reason will be issued after round one parings have been released.
During play of the championship, a competitor who withdraws must notify PNGA staff and fill out a withdraw form. Entrants who unofficially withdraw (by not notifying PNGA staff or without having sufficient reason to withdraw) will not be granted entry into any future PNGA championship for a minimum of two years.
Please direct any questions regarding the withdrawal and refund policy to [email protected]