Peninsula Golf Course
Peninsula Golf Course has been a public course since 1947. The 9-hole layout is located near the beach on the beautiful Long Beach Peninsula, just one mile north of downtown Long Beach, Wash.
A variety of spruce, pine, cascara, willow, alder and rhododendron decorate the course; and eagles, egrets, blue herons and deer populate the forested area that the course winds through. In keeping with the welcoming and natural atmosphere, Peninsula is a dog-friendly course.
The entrance to the Columbia River from the Pacific Ocean has been dubbed the “Graveyard of the Pacific” due to its treacherous currents and tumultuous storms that have sunk many a ship. Each hole at Peninsula is dedicated, and named after, nine of the unfortunate ships and also to the men, women, and children who have lost their lives in the waters of the Columbia-Pacific. When you play the course, you can feel the history of this area and appreciate the true force and raw beauty of nature.
Course Information:
Phone: (360) 642-2828
Address: 9604 Pacific Hwy, Long Beach, WA 98361