Registration opens 12:00 am

Date: April 30, 2025 — May 2, 2025

Course: Oswego Lake Country Club, Lake Oswego, OR

Championship Details

This Ryder-Cup style championship features some of the most notable amateur golfers in the region with 12-member teams representing the regional golf associations that makeup the Pacific Northwest Golf Association. Teams play four-ball, foursomes and singles matches to determine a champion.

Each team has eight men and four women with the men’s contingent comprised of four mid-amateurs (25 years of age or older), two men at 40 years or older, and two senior men of 55 years or older. The women’s delegation includes two mid-amateurs and two women 50 years of age or older. With both Men’s and Women’s scores used to determine the team result, it is the only known event of its kind in the country.

Golf Associations: British Columbia Golf, Idaho Golf Association, Oregon Golf Association and Washington Golf.

Field Limit: 48 players (12 players from each state and provincial golf association)

Player Selection: 12 players on each team, selected at the discretion of each Association.

  • 4 – Men Mid-Amateurs (25 and over)
  • 2 – Men Master-40 (40 and over)
  • 2 – Senior Men (55 and over)
  • 2 – Women Mid-Amateurs (25 and over)
  • 2 – Senior Women (50 and over)

Match Draw: Prior to the competition, the four Honorary Captains (Presidents) will participate in picking the matches for Day 1. The PNGA has a formula to allow each Association to compete against one another on an equitable rotational basis.

Match Play Competition: Each Association will play a total of 24 matches. A full point will be awarded for each match won, and a half point for each match that ends in a tie. The team with the most points at the conclusion of play wins.

  • Day One: Four-Ball Matches (A.M.)
  • Day One: Foursome Matches (P.M.)
  • Day Two: Singles Matches (A.M.)

Playoff: If there is a tie between teams after scheduled play, a playoff format is in place where the tie will be broken based on the head-to-head record of the teams involved.

Team Captains: Captains are the current President of each respective association. If the President is not available, a substitute may be appointed.

Administration The PNGA, in cooperation with BC Golf, IGA, OGA and WA Golf will oversee all administrative duties for the championship.

Site Selection: The site for the Lamey Cup rotates, in order, between Washington, Oregon, British Columbia and Idaho. The PNGA, with cooperation from respective state and provincial associations, will coordinate site selection.

Prizes: A perpetual crystal trophy and base will be awarded to the winning Association to house for the following year. The PNGA offices will house the permanent silver Perpetual “Lamey Cup”. Modest trophies will also be presented to each member of the winning team, including the Captain.

Team Attire: Players will be encouraged to wear matching team uniforms (i.e., shirts, outerwear, etc.) with their association logo and Lamey Cup logo, provided by their respective association.

Past Champions

Year Location Champion
2024 Seattle Golf Club Washington Golf
2023 Blue Lakes Country Club Oregon Golf Association
2022 Bellingham Golf & Country Club Washington Golf
2021 Canceled due to COVID-19
2020 Canceled due to COVID-19
2019 Crosswater Club Washington Golf
2018 Seattle Golf Club Oregon Golf Association
2017 TimberStone Golf Course Idaho Golf Association
2016 Richmond Country Club Oregon Golf Association
2015 Columbia Edgewater Country Club Washington Golf
2014 The Home Course British Columbia Golf
2013 Crane Creek Country Club British Columbia Golf
2012 Gorge Vale Golf Club Oregon Golf Association
2011 Eugene Country Club Oregon Golf Association
2010 Tumble Creek Club Oregon Golf Association
2009 Crane Creek Country Club British Columbia Golf
2008 Pronghorn, Jack Nicklaus Signature Course Washington Golf
2007 Victoria Golf Club Oregon Golf Association
2006 Seattle Golf Club Oregon Golf Association